距FOOD & HOTEL VIETNAM开幕 已有账号?请登录! 立即预登记!(active tab) 注册类型 邮箱 手机 邮箱 邮箱地址 如果没能及时收到邮件,请注意检查垃圾邮件。 输入验证码 It may take longer than usual to receive the email (depending on email service provider). Please do not repeat clicking. If you do not receive the email in time, please check for spam. 获取邮件验证码 手机 国家/地区码 -- 请选择 --+65 (新加坡)+62 (印度尼西亚) Register via Mobile is only available for Indonesia number. 手机号码 输入验证码 获取短信验证码 请勾选此框以确认您已阅读并接受我们的{《隐私政策》} I accept the Event Privacy and Data Sharing Notice Informa tracks your interactions with other visitors, exhibitors and sponsors during the event with the intention of analysing and measuring the event’s success and to develop business and individual profiles to better tailor our products in future. When attending our in-person events, by allowing your badge to be scanned by an exhibitor or sponsor, you are providing the exhibitor or sponsor with your personal information and in doing so agree to the exhibitor or sponsor contacting you in the future about their products or services. You understand that you can opt-out of this contact at any time by contacting the exhibitor or sponsor and any data that they collect and record (e.g. notes or business card scans) will be held according to their Privacy Policy although we will maintain its security when it is held in our apps/systems. Badges cannot be read remotely and must be scanned before any details are shared with exhibitors and sponsors. 提交